Stevia Extract - The Natural Sweetener

If you have been advised by your doctor not to take or to cut down on the consumption of sugar due to an illness or condition, stevia extract may be just what you need to sweeten your morning coffee without worry of weight gain because it has no fat and carbohydrates. Hypoglycemics and diabetics should not be apprehensive, as well, because it does not cause glucose levels in the blood to surge. Unlike other artificial sweeteners, this potent natural sweetener has no harmful effects, and its aftertaste is negligible when you buy the variety that is very good and if we measure it correctly.

Sweetened drinks or foods are not the only results when using stevia extract. Another advantage is that you can enjoy other health benefits it offers. Because it allows you to give up eating sugar, it helps you to avoid being affected by diabetes and obesity. Studies also suggest its ability to lower blood pressure and manage glucose levels.

Stevia extract is derived from a small shrub called Stevia rebaudiana related to daisies and chrysanthemums. Its effect is so powerful for sweetening foods and beverages that everything needed to sweeten a cup of coffee is a toothpick instead of a teaspoon to measure and mix the correct amount. Stir, with a teaspoon of course, and enjoy!